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Ela — Dezleaga-ma de dor [English] Lyrics

Ela — Dezleaga-ma de dor [English] Lyrics
Ela — Dezleaga-ma de dor [English] Lyrics

Whether you're a fan of Ela or just want to enjoy some good music, Dezleaga-ma de dor is a great choice. let's Play the video and read the beautiful lyrics with the video just below!😊

Dezleaga-ma de dor [English] Lyrics

Închid ochii și mi-e dor
Nu doar patul meu e gol,
Nu pot să nu îmi ascult inima
Ea mi-a spus de atâtea ori că

I close my eyes and miss her
Not only is my bed empty,
I can't help but listen to my heart
She told me so many times

Dragostea nu-i ca-n povești
Doare, când te-ndrăgostești
Uuuu uuuu
Oare, unde am greșit
Am dat tot când ne-am iubit

Love is not like a fairy tale
It hurts when you fall in love
Uuuu uuuu
Where did I go wrong?
We gave everything when we loved each other

Dezleagă-mă de dor să-mi fie ușor
De-am fi un cântec
Ar cânta triste viori
Dezleagă-mă, chiar dacă o să cad în gol
Să pot uita, te rog, dezleagă-mă de dor
Să pot uita, te rog, dezleagă-mă de dor

Unleash me to be easy
If we were a song
Sad violins would play
Untie me, even if I fall into the void
May I forget, please, to free me from longing
May I forget, please, to free me from longing

Poate noi doi am fi rezistat mai mult
Dacă aș fi fost ce ai fi vrut
Între noi, e un zid prea vicios
Pe teren alunecos
Știm finalul pederost

Maybe we would have lasted longer
May be!
If I were what you wanted me to be
Between us, it's too vicious a wall
On slippery ground
We know the end of pederost

Dragostea nu-i ca-n povești
Doare, când te-ndrăgosteșt
Uuuu uuuu
Oare, unde am greșit
Am dat tot când ne-am iubit

Love is not like a fairy tale
It hurts when I fall in love with you
Uuuu uuuu
Where did I go wrong?
We gave everything when we loved each other

Dezleagă-mă de dor să-mi fie ușor
De-am fi un cântec
Ar cânta triste viori
Dezleagă-mă, chiar dacă o să cad în gol
Să pot uita, te rog, dezleagă-mă de dor
Să pot uita, te rog, dezleagă-mă de dor

Unleash me to be easy
If we were a song
Sad violins would play
Untie me, even if I fall into the void
May I forget, please, to free me from longing
May I forget, please, to free me from longing

"Dezleaga-ma de dor" FAQ

1. Who is the singer of the song "Dezleaga-ma de dor"?.
"Dezleaga-ma de dor" is sung by "Ela ".
2. Who wrote the lyrics of "Dezleaga-ma de dor" song?.
"Dinu Gabriela Alexandra" has written the lyrics for the song "Dezleaga-ma de dor".
3. Who composed the music for the song "Dezleaga-ma de dor"?.
"Dinu Gabriela Alexandra, Velisar Mihai Roberto, Demo Enri" composed the music for the song "Dezleaga-ma de dor".
4. What is the label for the song "Dezleaga-ma de dor"?.
Label for the song "Dezleaga-ma de dor" is "Cat Music".

6. Who produced the song "Dezleaga-ma de dor"?.
"Velisar Mihai Roberto, Demo Enri;" produced the song "Dezleaga-ma de dor".
7. When was "Dezleaga-ma de dor" song released?.
The song "Dezleaga-ma de dor" released on "23 June, 2022".

Do you have any questions about this blog? If so, please leave a comment below and we'll answer any of your queries.

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Ela — Dezleaga-ma de dor [English] Lyrics

If you're looking for a happy and upbeat song to listen to, you should check out Dezleaga-ma de dor! This song is sung by Ela and it is sure to put a smile on your face. Not only is the music catchy, but the lyrics are easy to understand. In addition, the song has a positive message that will make you feel happy and confident. 

Do you know the lyrics of the new song Dezleaga-ma de dor by Ela? If not, we've got you covered. Not only will we provide the English translation, but we'll also show you how to enjoy the music of the song Dezleaga-ma de dor. 

By understanding the lyrics, you'll be able to feel happy and connected to the song'smessage. In addition, by learning about the music, you'll be able to develop a deeper appreciation for it. Whether you're a fan of Ela or simply want to learn more about her work, we've got you covered!

Are you looking for a new and happy song to listen to? Look no further than Dezleaga-ma de dor! This catchy song was written and sung by Ela and is sure to make you happy. Not only is the music beautiful, but the lyrics are easy to understand. Whether you're feeling down or just want to relax, Dezleaga-ma de dor is the perfect song for you.

Are you a fan of the song Dezleaga-ma de dor? Do you understand the lyrics? If so, you're in for a real treat! The song is a beautiful and emotive ballad sung by Ela, and the lyrics are full of powerful messages that can help you feel happy and connected. 

Not to mention, the music is simply beautiful - it's perfect for relaxing after a long day, or feeling uplifted and inspired. Whether you're a first-time listener or a long-time fan of Ela's music, we highly recommend giving Dezleaga-ma de dor a try.

Just when you thought the world was ending, along comes a new song that's sure to put a smile on your face. Dezleaga-ma de dor, sung by Ela, is a beautiful love song that touches on themes of hope and redemption. 

With lyrics that are easy to understand, this song is sure to make you feel happy and at peace. And if you love music, you'll appreciate the beautiful melodies and rhythms of Dezleaga-ma de dor. Ready to give the song a try? We think you will be pleasantly surprised!

Original Lyrics Credits: 

1.  Musixmatch
2.  Azlyrics
3.    Genius
4.    Lyricfind 
5.    LyricsRoll

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