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Rugaciuni [ENGLISH] Lyrics —  MGK666

Rugaciuni [ENGLISH] Lyrics —  MGK666
Rugaciuni [ENGLISH] Lyrics —  MGK666

Enjoy the English lyrics of the new song Rugaciuni  sung by MGK666, understand the lyrics of the song Rugaciuni  and feel happy with music of the song Rugaciuni. let's Play the video and read the beautiful lyrics with the video just below!😊

Rugaciuni [ENGLISH] Lyrics —  MGK666

[Strofa 1]
Se dau mafioți, au meci pe tiktok de la 10
Sunt șefu-n Militari, am zis pe aici nu se trece
Ești prins și-n Pantilimon, dar Militari oricum petrece
Nu dau 2 bani pe nimeni, chiar dacă mi le plătește

[Verse 1]
They are mobsters, they have a match on tiktok from 10
I'm the head of the military, I said you can't go here
You're also caught in Pantilimon, but Militari is spending it anyway
I don't give anyone 2 bucks, even if they pay me

Ăștia spun rugăciuni
Să le dăm la muie la toți ăștia mai bătrâni

They say prayers
Let's blowjob all these older ones

Când văd succesu' se fac negrii gen cărbuni
Poți să te rogi, da' nu prea există minuni

When I see success, blacks like coal
You can pray, but there aren't many miracles

[Strofa 2]
Ăștia întreabă unde stau
Eu nu mai stau
Ăștia întreabă în cât o iau
Eu doar o dau
A cântat MGK toate fetele dansau
Am venit să ne batem, de ce dușmanii filmau
M6 Cristem
Număru' de infracțiuni
MGK bossu' pe stradă mi-am luat acțiuni
E bursă M6 te duci jos, n-ai cum să urci
Ai fentat toată viață, cu mine cum te descurci

[Verse 2]
They ask where they are
I'm not staying
They ask how much they take
I just give it
MGK sang all the dancing girls
We came to fight, why the enemies were filming
M6 Cristem
Number of offenses
MGK bossu 'on the street I took action
It's an M6 scholarship, you go downstairs, you can't climb
You've been fooling around all your life, how are you doing with me?

Ăștia spun rugăciuni
Să le dăm la muie la toți ăștia mai bătrâni

They say prayers
Let's blowjob all these older ones

[Strofa 3]
Pe stradă dai de toate, nu știu voi de unde știți
Cei mai buni povestitori numai cu povești nevrajiti
Nu ne caută nimeni, de-aia nici nu ne gășiți
V-ați pisat pe voi, v-ați dat seama că îmbătrâniți
Bani, putere și te pisi și pe respect
Banii vorbesc, puterea execută, o să mori încet
Vrei o excursie în cer îți fac eu rost de un bilet
La [?] deschid un moet

[Verse 3]
On the street you have everything, I don't know how you know
The best storytellers only with unspoken stories
Nobody's looking for us, that's why you can't find us
You pissed on yourself, you realized you were getting older
Money, power and you piss on respect
Money speaks, power executes, you will die slowly
If you want a trip to heaven, I'll get you a ticket
At [?] I open a moet

Ăștia spun rugăciuni
Să le dăm la muie la toți ăștia mai bătrâni

They say prayers
Let's blowjob all these older ones

Șefu la ora actuală
Grr Pow

Boss at the moment
Grr Pow

"Rugaciuni " FAQ

1. Who is the singer of the song "Rugaciuni "?.
"Rugaciuni " is sung by "MGK666".
2. Who wrote the lyrics of "Rugaciuni " song?.
"MGK666" has written the lyrics for the song "Rugaciuni ".
3. What is the label for the song "Rugaciuni "?.
Label for the song "Rugaciuni" is "MGK666".
4. When was "Rugaciuni " song released?.
The song "Rugaciuni " released on "22 June, 2022".

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Rugaciuni [ENGLISH] Lyrics —  MGK666

Do you want to enjoy the English lyrics of the new song Rugaciuni  sung by MGK666? Do you want to understand the lyrics of the song Rugaciuni  and feel happy with the music of the song Rugaciuni ? If so, you have come to the right place! In this post, we will provide you with all the information you need to enjoy and understand the lyrics of the new song Rugaciuni , as well as feel happy with the music of the song Rugaciuni . So read on and enjoy!

Do you love the lyrics of the new song Rugaciuni ? If so, then you'll want to read on to learn more about how to enjoy the English lyrics of the song and how to understand the meaning behind them. We'll also share some music advice for those of you who want to feel happy while listening to the song Rugaciuni . So read on and let us help you get in the mood for this catchy tune! 

To enjoy the English lyrics of the new song Rugaciuni by MGK666, understand the lyrics of the song Rugaciuni and feel happy, listen to the music of the song Rugaciuni on Youtube.

Happy reading! If you're looking for an enjoyable and easy way to learn the English lyrics to the new song Rugaciuni by MGK666, we've got you covered. Not only will we present the lyrics in an easy-to-understand format, but we'll also provide a video that will allow you to enjoy the music of the song Rugaciuni in full. So whether you're a beginner or a seasoned speaker of English, we've got you covered!

Have you ever felt so lost and alone that you wished the Universe would just wipe you slate clean and start over? That's how I felt when I heard the new song Rugaciuni by MGK666. 

The lyrics hit home in a way that no other song has ever done, and the accompanying music made me feel happy and content. If you're feeling down and out, give Rugaciuni a listen. You may just find that the Universe has been listening to you after all.

Original Lyrics Credits: 

1.  Musixmatch
2.  Azlyrics
3.    Genius
4.    Lyricfind 
5.    LyricsRoll

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