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Omar Adam [עומר אדם] — Always Yours ( תמיד שלך) Lyrics |
Enjoy the lyrics of the new song Always Yours ( תמיד שלך) sung by Omar Adam [עומר אדם], understand the lyrics of the song Always Yours and feel happy with music of the song Always Yours ( תמיד שלך). let's Play the video and read the beautiful lyrics with the video just below!😊
Always Yours ( תמיד שלך) Lyrics
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Omar Adam [עומר אדם] — Always Yours ( תמיד שלך) Lyrics
Enjoy the lyrics of the new song Always Yours ( תמיד שלך) sung by Omar Adam [עומר אדם], understand the lyrics of the song Always Yours and feel happy with music of the song Always Yours ( תמיד שלך).
Always Yours is a beautiful and happy song with positive lyrics that will make you feel good. The lyrics are about a person who is in a happy relationship and is always there for their partner. The music is catchy and will stick in your mind for a long time.
Enjoy the lyrics of the new song Always Yours ( תמיד שלך) sung by Omar Adam [עומר אדם], understand the lyrics of the song Always Yours and feel happy with music of the song Always Yours ( תמיד שלך).
Do you love the song Always Yours ( תמיד שלך) by Omar Adam [עומר אדם]? Well, then you'll love the lyrics of the song! In this article, we'll go over the lyrics and explain what they mean so that you can understand the song even better.
Not only that, we'll also provide a music video of the song so that you can enjoy it to the fullest! So sit back, relax, and enjoy the lyrics and music of Always Yours ( תמיד שלך) sung by Omar Adam [עומר אדם]!
Original Lyrics Credits:
1. Musixmatch
2. Azlyrics
3. Genius
4. Lyricfind
5. LyricsRoll
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