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In this article, we'll detail what the lyrics of the song EROTAS mean and how you can understand them. We hope you enjoy! 
let's Play the video and read the beautiful lyrics with the video just below!😊


Σου λέω για μένα τι είσαι
Άλλο μην προσποιείσαι άσε τον κόσμο τι λέει για μας
Κι όταν πάνω ανεβαίνεις μου λες πόσο με θέλεις
Νιώθεις σαν να ναι η πρώτη φορά

I tell you about me what you are
Otherwise, don't pretend, let the world say what they say about us
And when you go upstairs you tell me how much you want me
You feel like it's the first time

Τόσο fresh τι φοράς πες μου ποιος σε ντύνει
Πάμε Μύκονο, Σαντορίνη γυρνάω τα νησιά
Πες μου babe ο πατέρας σου αν σε δίνει
Θα σου φέρω το δαχτυλίδι μου' χεις κάνει ζημιά
Έρωτας με ρωτάς αν είναι αυτό που νιώθω
Με ρωτάς αν έχω πάνω μου όπλο και μου στέλνεις καρδιά
Έρωτας στο μυαλό μου σ' έχω κάθε βράδυ
Πρέπει λίγο να με καταλάβεις θα σε πάρω μετά

So fresh what are you wearing tell me who dresses you
Let's go to Mykonos, Santorini, I'm going around the islands
Tell me babe if your father gives you
I'll bring you my ring, you've done damage
In love you ask me if this is what I feel
You ask me if I have a gun on me and you send me a heart
Love in my mind I have you every night
You have to understand me, I'll pick you up later

Ξέρεις μωρό μου για σένα αν σ' ακουμπήσει κανένας
Τους τρώμε σα να ναι πιάτο bon appetit
Μωρό μου λάμπεις σαν ήλιος κουνήσου δίπλα μου λίγο
Ξάπλωσε πάνω μου αν φύγεις είσαι τρελή
Ξέρεις μωρό μου για σένα αν σ' ακουμπήσει κανένας
Τους τρώμε σα να ναι πιάτο bon appetit
Μωρό μου λάμπεις σαν ήλιος κουνήσου δίπλα μου λίγο
Ξάπλωσε πάνω μου αν φύγεις είσαι τρελή
Απ' το Βορρά ως το Νότο να σου πω πως νιώθω
Τόσο τυχερός που σ' έχω κοντά σα να 'πιασα το Λότο
Angelina Jolie το κορμί σου μωρό μου φωτιά στη Μεσόγειο
Ραντεβού στ' αεροδρόμιο γυρνάμε όλη την υδρόγειο

You know baby if someone touches you
We eat them as if they were a bon appetit dish
Baby you shine like the sun move next to me a little
Lay on me if you leave you're crazy
You know baby if someone touches you
We eat them as if they were a bon appetit dish
Baby you shine like the sun move next to me a little
Lay on me if you leave you're crazy
From North to South to tell you how I feel
As lucky to have you around as if I won the lottery
Angelina Jolie your body baby fire in the Mediterranean
Meeting at the airport, we go around the globe

Τόσο fresh τι φοράς πες μου ποιος σε ντύνει
Πάμε Μύκονο, Σαντορίνη γυρνάω τα νησιά
Πες μου babe ο πατέρας σου αν σε δίνει
Θα σου φέρω το δαχτυλίδι μου' χεις κάνει ζημιά
Έρωτας με ρωτάς αν είναι αυτό που νιώθω
Με ρωτάς αν έχω πάνω μου όπλο και μου στέλνεις καρδιά
Έρωτας στο μυαλό μου σ' έχω κάθε βράδυ
Πρέπει λίγο να με καταλάβεις θα σε πάρω μετά
Πες μου babe ο πατέρας σου αν σε δίνει
Θα σου φέρω το δαχτυλίδι μου' χεις κάνει ζημιά

So fresh what are you wearing tell me who dresses you
Let's go to Mykonos, Santorini, I'm going around the islands
Tell me babe if your father gives you
I'll bring you my ring, you've done damage
In love you ask me if this is what I feel
You ask me if I have a gun on me and you send me a heart
Love in my mind I have you every night
You have to understand me, I'll pick you up later
Tell me babe if your father gives you
I'll bring you my ring, you've done damage

"Song" FAQ

1. Who is the singer of the song "EROTAS "?.
"EROTAS " is sung by "SNIK".
2. Who wrote the lyrics of "EROTAS " song?.
"SNIK" has written the lyrics for the song "EROTAS ".
3. What is the label for the song "EROTAS "?.
Label for the song "EROTAS " is "MINOS EMI".
4. When was "EROTAS " song released?.
The song "EROTAS " released on "1 August, 2022".

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Do you enjoy the English lyrics of the new song EROTAS sung by SNIK? Do you understand the lyrics of the song EROTAS? If you answered yes to both of those questions, then you're in luck! 

This post is written specifically for you, and it'll teach you everything you need to know about the lyrics of the song EROTAS and how to feel happy with the music of the song EROTAS. So if you're looking for some positive and uplifting music to listen to, make sure to check out EROTAS!

Enjoy the English lyrics of the new song EROTAS sung by SNIK, understand the lyrics of the song EROTAS and feel happy with music of the song EROTAS.

 EROTAS is a new song by SNIK, and it's sure to make you feel happy! The song is full of energy and is perfect for enjoying summer days or any other happy occasions. 

The lyrics are easy to understand, and you'll be able to sing along without having to worry about any difficult words. Plus, the music is upbeat and will put a smile on your face! Try out this catchy tune today and enjoy the feel-good vibes it will send your way.

It's official: the new song EROTAS is everyone's favorite! Released just a few days ago, EROTAS has already topped the charts on iTunes and Spotify, and is quickly becoming a favorite among music lovers everywhere. 

Written and sung by SNIK, EROTAS is a beautiful ballad about love and relationships. Whether you're a romantic at heart or just looking for some catchy tunes to get you in the mood, you'll love EROTAS. But that's not all - let us also help you understand the lyrics of the song, so that you can truly appreciate its Beauty. Happy listening!

Are you in the mood for some uplifting music? Well, then you're going to love the new song EROTAS by SNIK. Not only does the song have beautiful English lyrics, but it's also got a really catchy tune that will make you feel happy and optimistic.

Whether you're a fan of pop music or simply enjoy listening to heart-warming tunes, EROTAS is definitely worth checking out.

The new song EROTAS is about a passionate and romantic relationship that's full of pleasure and excitement. The lyrics are sensual and descriptive, and they will send shivers down your spine. 

The music is catchy and upbeat, and it will make you want to sing along with SNIK. So why not give this song a try? You won't be disappointed!

Original Lyrics Credits: 

1.  Musixmatch
2.  Azlyrics
3.    Genius
4.    Lyricfind 
5.    LyricsRoll

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