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Kadhabin (كذابين ) Lyrics — Samara

Kadhabin (كذابين ) Lyrics — Samara
Kadhabin (كذابين ) Lyrics — Samara

Kadhabin (كذابين) is a beautiful song sung by Samara. The lyrics of the song tell the story of a love that is forbidden. The music of the song is peaceful and calming, and it will help you to feel happy and content.
let's Play the video and read the beautiful lyrics with the video just below!😊

Kadhabin (كذابين ) Lyrics — Samara

Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know that the lyrics of the song will be updated soon! In the meantime, here's a little something to tide you over. 

"Song" FAQ

1. Who is the singer of the song "Kadhabin (كذابين )"?.
"Kadhabin (كذابين )" is sung by "Samara".
2. Who wrote the lyrics of "Kadhabin (كذابين )" song?.
"Samara" has written the lyrics for the song "Kadhabin (كذابين )".
3. What is the label for the song "Kadhabin (كذابين )"?.
Label for the song "Kadhabin (كذابين )" is "Caesar Art Production".
4. When was "Kadhabin (كذابين )" song released?.
The song "Kadhabin (كذابين )" released on "1 August, 2022".

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Kadhabin (كذابين ) Lyrics — Samara

Kadhabin (كذابين) is a new song sung by Samara. The song is about love, and the lyrics are beautiful and poetic. If you want to understand the meaning of the song Kadhabin (كذابين) and feel happy with the music, read on!

Kadhabin (كذابين) is a new love song sung by Samara. The lyrics of the song tell the story of a young man who falls in love with a girl he has never met in person.

 Despite the fact that he knows nothing about her, he is happy just thinking about her and dreaming about their future together. The music of the song is beautiful and uplifting, perfect for happy occasions like Valentine's Day or any other day when you want to feel good about yourself and your life.

Do you love the new song Kadhabin (كذابين) sung by Samara? If yes, then you will love understanding the lyrics of the song Kadhabin (كذابين) and feeling happy with the music of the song Kadhabin (كذابين). 

In this post, we will provide you with all the information you need to understand and enjoy the lyrics of the song Kadhabin (كذابين). We will also give you a little background information on the song and its composer, as well as provide you with a link to listen to the song. Ready to start listening? Let's go!

Kadhabin (كذابين) lyrics are a great way to get into the mood and feel happy. The lyrics of this beautiful song are about love and heartache, and they will touch your heart. 

Samara's voice is mesmerizing and will bring tears to your eyes. You'll be able to understand the lyrics of the song Kadhabin (كذابين) and feel the happiness that the lyrics convey.

Original Lyrics Credits: 

1.  Musixmatch
2.  Azlyrics
3.    Genius
4.    Lyricfind 
5.    LyricsRoll

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