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If I Want You Lyrics — DDG x Halle Bailey |
Enjoy the lyrics of the new song If I Want You sung by DDG x Halle Bailey, understand the lyrics of the song If I Want You and feel happy with the music of the song If I Want You.
If I Want You Lyrics — DDG
"If I Want You" FAQ
1. Who is the singer of the song "If I Want You"?."If I Want You" is sung by "DDG".2. Who wrote the lyrics of "If I Want You" song?."DDG, Pearl Lion & Jorgen Odegard" has written the lyrics for the song "If I Want You".3. What is the label for the song "If I Want You"?.Label for the song "If I Want You" is "DDG Entertainment & Epic Records".4. When was "If I Want You" song released?.The song "If I Want You" released on "26 August, 2022".
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If I Want You Lyrics — DDG x Halle Bailey
Do you love the songs sung by DDG and Halle Bailey? If so, you'll be happy to know that there are many meanings and interpretations to their songs. We've put together a playlist of the song If I Want You and included translations of the lyrics so that you can enjoy the music and understand the lyrics at the same time.
Not only that, but we've also included some tips on how to feel happy and enjoy the song If I Want You. So whether you're looking for a fun and upbeat song to listen to, or want to learn more about the lyrics and their meaning, this playlist is for you!
If I Want You is a catchy and romantic song that tells the story of a young couple in love. DDG x Halle Bailey's vocals are beautiful and emotive, and the music perfectly compliments the lyrics. Whether you're listening to the song for the first time, or you've listened to it a hundred times, you'll be able to enjoy its catchy beats and lyrics.
In addition, the music of If I Want You makes you feel happy - it's perfect for when you're feeling down or just want to enjoy some positive vibes. Thanks for reading!
If I Want You is a catchy and upbeat song that will make you feel happy. The lyrics are simple, and the message is clear:
if you want someone, you should just go for it! Halle Bailey's beautiful voice brings the lyrics to life, and DDG's production perfectly balances the upbeat tempo with soft melodic elements. Whether you're a fan of Halle Bailey or DDG, you'll love this song.
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