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Arcangel - La Roca Lyrics

Arcangel Lyrics

Arcangel - La Roca Lyrics
Singer Arcangel
Producer Feniko
Music Rimas Music
Song Writer Arcángel

D-Note is on the beat
The Billionaire

Tengo un pinky ring que cuesta más que tu mano
Nadie me madruga porque siempre despierto temprano
También tengo un par de millone' muy bien guardado'
Con impuestos pago' en un banco norteamericano, yeah

Pasa el tiempo, pero no bajan las paca'
La vaca sigue engordando, no se quiere poner flaca, no
Tú apostaste tu dinero en mi contra
Los perdistе, huelebicho, es élitе hasta mi sombra (Jajaja)

Tú me ve' y siempre te asombra' (¿Por qué?; ouh)
No sé, compai, pero se cae to' el que me nombra (Wuh)
Austin Santos es mi nombre, te cabe grande en tu boca (Yes)
No te asombre' si en par de año' me mudo pa' Londres, Soca

Con limón los toco, yo siempre les doy lo que les toca
Tengo a Dwayne Johnson diciéndome que soy la roca, yap (Auh)
Jajajaja, huelebicho
No sales conmigo, tú misma gente te lo ha dicho

Siempre Rolex, nunca G-Shock
Tenía ganas de gastar y compré un Richard por capricho
De plash los aterrizo en el piso como un piloto
Figura pública y no me gustan las foto'

Tu jeva se montó en la moto
Me puso en la espalda to' ese toto
De chamaquito tengo un sistema numérico
Que si no gano, y pierdo, yo me pongo histérico

Rompiendo espalda', y no soy Jericho
Tengo oro en mi cuello más puro que un kilo 'e perico, y
Date un pase pa' que goce'
Que este polvo 'tá mejor que el de tu case

Y dile a tu jefe, que no me conoce
Que a la jeva de él le damo' en diferentes pose', yah
Ella quiere fumar, ella quiere hueler (Ella quiere hueler)
Yo no huelo, pero su deseo se lo puedo conceder

Quiere irse a las milla', amanecer en una villa
Quiere alcohol y quiere pastilla', baoh
Ella es una sucia (Dirty bitch)

Guerrillera, parece de Rusia (Ru-tu-tu-tum)
Me ve y se pone lucía' (Lucía')
Por eso es que siempre cuenta con mi astucia, -ucia, prra (Uh-wuh)

Austin, baby
Yaoh, Arcángel, pa
Prra (Jaja), yah, yay
Yo soy La Maravilla, cabrón, jajaja
El hermano de Justin, pai (Auh)
Papi es papi, yah (Just-in-Time)
Papá (Flow Factory)
Es papá
I'ts the billionaire
This the 144 shit
EHXX the professor
Dando clases

 La Roca English Lyrics

D-Note is on the beat

The Billionaire



I have a pinky ring that costs more than your hand

Nobody gets me up early because I always wake up early

I also have a couple of million' very well kept'

With taxes I pay' in an American bank, yeah

Time passes, but the bales don't go down

The cow keeps getting fatter, she doesn't want to get skinny, no

You bet your money against me

You lost them, huelebicho, even my shadow is elite (Hahaha)

You see me' and it always amazes you' (Why?; ouh)

I don't know, comrade, but everyone who names me falls (Wuh)

Austin Santos is my name, it fits big in your mouth (Yes)

Don't be surprised if in a couple of years I move to London, Soca

I touch them with lemon, I always give them what they get

I got Dwayne Johnson telling me I'm the rock, yap (Auh)

Hahahaha, smell bug

You don't go out with me, your own people have told you

Always Rolex, never G-Shock

I was in the mood to spend and bought a Richard on a whim

From plash I land them on the floor like a pilot

Public figure and I don't like the photos'

Your jeva got on the motorcycle

He put me on the back to 'that toto

As a kid I have a number system

That if I don't win, and I lose, I get hysterical

Breaking back', and I'm not Jericho

I have gold on my neck purer than a kilo 'e parakeet, and

Give yourself a pass so that I enjoy

That this dust 'tá better than the one in your house

And tell your boss, he doesn't know me

That we give him 'jeva' in different poses', yah

She wants to smoke, she wants to smell (She wants to smell)

I don't smell, but I can grant him his wish

He wants to go miles ', sunrise in a villa

He wants alcohol and he wants a pill, baoh

She is a dirty (Dirty bitch)

Guerrilla, she seems from Russia (Ru-tu-tu-tum)

She sees me and gets lucia '(Lucía')

That's why she always counts on my cunning, -ucia, bitch (Uh-wuh)

austin baby

Yaoh, Archangel, pa

Prra (Haha), yah, yay

I am La Maravilla, bastard, hahaha

Justin's brother, pai (Auh)



Daddy is daddy, yah (Just-in-Time)

Dad (Flow Factory)

Is Dad

I'ts the billionaire

This the 144 shit

EHXX the professor

Giving classes

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