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Subimos De Precio Lyrics - Arcangel

Arcangel Lyrics

Subimos De Precio Lyrics - Arcangel
Singer Arcangel
Producer Feniko
Music Rimas Music
Song Writer ArcƔngel

Ah, ¡auh!
Profesor, voy, ajĆ”

Wao, subimos de precio (Yes)
To' el que diga que no la tengo es necio (Nope)
Soy la bestia como Alexio
To' el mundo sabe que yo soy la presiĆ³n
Tengo a to' esto' cabrone' en desprecio (Prr)
To' el que pregunte por mĆ­ le van a responder:
"Arca hace tiempo se creciĆ³"
Ellos hablando de mĆ­, yo aquĆ­, tira'o pa'trĆ”'
FumƔndome un pasto indonesio
Siempre los trato 'e lejito, lŠµs saco el cuerpo y ellos diciŠµndo que son mis socio' (Aoh)
Mere, pelabicho, no busque conversaciĆ³n si no es pa' hablar de negocio
To' el mundo sabe que pa' llegar donde yo estoy, el chamaquito joseĆ³ (Normal)
Me extienden la mano, pero se la' niego porque con puerco' no me asocio (Nope)
Ando flow lunƔtico
Con un arma de fuego hecha en plƔstico (Uh)
Siempre estoy arriba como un Ɣtico (Yah)
Hablan mierda, pero son fanƔtico' (Jaja)
Mi humildad los confunde, y normal, pero el dĆ­a en que yo me ponga problemĆ”tico (¿QuĆ© pasĆ³?)
Sacamos los palo' automƔtico' (Ay, no) pa' dejarlos con estrƩs postraumƔtico (Rrra), nigga
QuƩ mala costumbre, el menos que aporta e' el mƔs que aboga (Osh)
Le pido perdĆ³n a mi vieja por no cumplirle el sueƱo de verme con una toga
¿QuĆ© puedo decir? Pero tranquila, tenemos billetes verde' como Yoda
La fama me dijo que querĆ­a casarse conmigo, y le dije: "¿Pa' cuĆ”ndo es la boda?"
Yo soy anti puerco' (Puerco'), anti rascabicho' que solo son malo' cuando se meten Perco (Jajaja)
Hijupueta, yo estoy tan vola'o, que llegan contrato' hasta del aeropuerto (Uh)
Yo soy pecador, pero nunca hago na' sin tener a papĆ” Dio' envuelto (Nope)
Ando con mis psicĆ³pata' suelto' (Yes), que mandando fuego son experto' (Yes; ¡auh!)

Otra mƔs directamente desde La Calma Suite (Flawless victory)
Y es porque nosotro' le pusimo' asĆ­, no porque somos dulce'
All right? Yeah
EHXX The Professor, ja
La Perla en la casa, okay
It's Flow Factory, nigga

Subimos De Precio English Lyrics



oh oh

Professor, come on, uh-huh


Wow, we went up in price (Yes)

Anyone who says I don't have it is stupid (Nope)

I'm the beast like Alexio

Everyone knows that I am the pressure

I have all this bastard in contempt (Prr)

Anyone who asks for me will answer:

"Ark has grown a long time ago"

They talking about me, I'm here, tira'o pa'trĆ”'

Smoking an Indonesian grass

I always treat them 'e lejito, I take out their bodies and they say they are my partner' (Aoh)

Mere, pelabicho, don't look for a conversation if it's not to talk about business

Everyone knows that to get where I am, the little boy JoseĆ³ (Normal)

They extend their hand to me, but I deny it because I don't associate myself with pork (Nope)

ando flow lunatic

With a firearm made of plastic (Uh)

I'm always up like a penthouse (Yah)

They talk shit, but they're a fan' (Haha)

My humility confuses them, and normal, but the day I get troublesome (What happened?)

We take out the 'automatic stick' (Oh, no) to leave them with post-traumatic stress (Rrra), nigga

What a bad habit, the less it contributes and the more it advocates (Osh)

I apologize to my old lady for not fulfilling her dream of seeing me in a toga

What can I say? But don't worry, we have green tickets' like Yoda

Fame told me that she wanted to marry me, and I said: "When is the wedding?"

I am anti-pig' (Pig'), anti-rascabicho' that are only bad' when Perco gets involved (Hahaha)

Hijupueta, I'm so fly, they arrive contract' even from the airport (Uh)

I am a sinner, but I never do anything without having Papa Dio involved (Nope)

I'm with my psychopaths on the loose (Yes), they are experts at sending fire (Yes; auh!)


Another one directly from La Calma Suite (Flawless victory)

And it's because we put it like that, not because we're sweet

Esta bien? yeah

EHXX The Professor, ha

The Pearl in the house, okay


It's Flow Factory, nigga


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